Friday, September 29, 2006

Testing Beta 2

The beta 2 version has been sent to beta-testers.

I'm working with them debugging NG beta 2.

thanks to all beta testers.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Beta 2

The beta is ready, but the last minute bug caused a delay.

I'll will work to debug it tomorrow and send it for beta-testers.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Testing learning-mode

And the learning-mode finished,

I finally decided to make the Learning-Mode (LM) as simple as possible,
as it may cause complications if I use a complex routine to decide whether or not to add a particular application to trusted-mode while on LM.

so the LM just a state in which driver adds all executables executed into trusted apps, so the driver is actually not protecting against anything. By default, the LM is enabled for 5 hours of working with computer after installation (can be chosen to be disabled).

I'm currently testing it, cause it made a lot of change in several parts.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006



in the last 5-6 days I was busy working on another thing, so I have to start working on learning-mode from today.

but I have some ideas on how to design the learning-mode part, its going to be very unique.

im really sorry, ill work on NG beta 2 as hard as possible.